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Montana Supreme Court blocks Democrat efforts to remove Green Party candidate

Thu Sep 19 2024
MXM Exclusive

Quick Hit: 

The Montana Supreme Court ruled Tuesday in favor of the Green Party candidate remaining on the 2024 Senate ballot, a defeat for Democrats seeking to exclude him.

Key Details:

  • The Montana Supreme Court ruled to keep Green Party candidate Robert Barb on the Senate ballot.
  • Democrats had sued to prevent Barb’s nomination, arguing it would hinder their campaign for incumbent Sen. Jon Tester.
  • Trump-endorsed Republican Tim Sheehy currently leads Tester in polls, making this race key pickup opportunity for Republicans eager to take back control of the Senate.

Diving Deeper:

The Montana Supreme Court on Tuesday, rejected the Democratic Party’s efforts to block Green Party candidate Robert Barb from appearing on the 2024 Senate ballot. This decision, which upholds a ruling from the First Judicial District Court, ensures Barb remains in the race, potentially complicating incumbent Democrat Sen. Jon Tester’s re-election efforts.

Democrats filed a lawsuit in August, aiming to prevent Barb's nomination after Green Party candidate Michael Downey withdrew in mid-August. The party argued that Barb’s late replacement violated state election laws and would force them to allocate more resources to fight off the third-party challenge. However, both the lower court and now the state’s Supreme Court disagreed with the Democrats' argument.

Republican Tim Sheehy, Tester’s main opponent, currently leads the three-term incumbent senator in a recent AARP Montana poll. The poll shows Sheehy with a 49% to 41% advantage over Tester. Notably, the gap widens to 51% to 45% if no third-party candidate is in the race, emphasizing the potential impact Barb could have on the outcome.

Tester, facing a tough re-election bid in a state that has become increasingly red, will now have to contend with both Sheehy and Barb on the ballot, increasing the stakes for Democrats. With control of the Senate hanging in the balance, Montana's race will be pivotal come November.

The Democrats’ argument rested on claims that Barb’s nomination process violated state law and would negatively impact their campaign, but the Montana Supreme Court found no legal justification to bar Barb from the ballot. This ruling comes as another setback for Democrats in an already contentious Senate race. 

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