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2nd Trump term promises economic gains for black communities

Wed Sep 25 2024
MXM Exclusive

Quick Hit:

Rodney Hood, former Chairman of the National Credit Union Administration, argues that a second Trump administration will continue economic progress for African American communities, building on policies from Trump’s first term.

Key Details:

  • Hood served as the first African American Chairman of the National Credit Union Administration under Trump in 2019.

  • He highlighted lower inflation, increased homeownership, and a drop in the black poverty rate under Trump’s economic policies.

  • Hood criticized Vice President Kamala Harris for failing to provide policy solutions for marginalized communities.

Diving Deeper:

Rodney Hood, the first African American to lead the National Credit Union Administration, penned an op-ed for RealClearPolitics, asserting that President Donald Trump’s policies from his first term benefited African American communities economically—and that a second term could further build on that progress. Hood, who served from 2019 to 2021, shared his perspective on how Trump's policies spurred wage growth, reduced black poverty, and enabled financial inclusion through reduced regulatory burdens.

Hood noted that “financial inclusiveness was a key priority during Trump’s first term,” citing lower interest rates that helped African Americans achieve homeownership, a major factor in wealth creation. He pointed to tangible improvements in the economic lives of black families, crediting Trump’s policies with driving job creation and wage increases.

The former NCUA chairman contrasted Trump’s accomplishments with what he described as Vice President Kamala Harris’s lack of substantive proposals for African Americans. “Harris has failed to offer any policy roadmap for lifting up African Americans and other marginalized communities,” Hood stated. He criticized Harris’s campaign for focusing on “vague, empty platitudes and celebrity endorsements” instead of addressing real economic challenges.

Looking ahead, Hood expressed optimism about Trump’s second-term agenda, particularly plans to tackle inflation, reduce taxes, and bring back manufacturing jobs. Hood believes these policies will resonate with African American voters, especially in swing states like North Carolina, where African Americans represent 22% of the electorate. Hood observed a “quiet but significant shift” among younger black voters who are increasingly open to new political ideas.

In closing, Hood called for a “second look” at Trump’s record, stating, “We saw real gains in wages, homeownership, and financial independence for African American families.” For him, the choice in November is clear: a second Trump term could mean continued prosperity for black communities.



"Donald Trump" by Gage Skidmore licensed under (CC BY-SA 2.0)

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