Biden signs executive order cementing illegal invasion: "It's all about show"
MXM Exclusive

Quick Hit:

President Biden has signed an executive order that supposedly shuts down the US-Mexico border, but critics argue the move only cements his ongoing border invasion, as it still allows for up to 1.75 million new illegal entries into America every year.

Key Details:

  • The executive order is expected to take effect immediately upon signing and will lift border restrictions two weeks after the number of illegal crossings averages 1,500 for seven days straight.
  • Even if illegal migration is limited to 2,500 per day for a full calendar year, the number of crossings would hit 912,500 — a historic high compared to the rest of the century.
  • Trump slammed the move as "weak" and "pathetic," saying in a social media video: "Joe Biden is pretending to finally do something about the border. But in fact, it's all about show because he knows we have a debate coming up in three weeks. The truth is that Joe Biden's executive order won't stop the invasion."

Diving Deeper:

The Biden administration's new executive order has been met with criticism, with many arguing that it does not effectively address the ongoing border crisis. Even if illegal migration is limited to the proposed 2,500 per day, the number of crossings would still reach a historic high of 912,500 in a year. This figure does not account for the additional 400,000 migrants that Biden has allowed into the country through a mass parole scheme for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans.

Many congressional Republicans have dismissed Biden's move as an election-year stunt, pointing out that he has already rolled back Trump administration immigration policies via executive orders. These include halting the construction of a border wall and ending the Title 42 and Remain in Mexico policies, which effectively reduced the number of migrants on the southern border by more than 70%.

Since Biden took office in January 2021, nearly 7 million migrants have been recorded entering the country illegally, with roughly 1.7 million known to have sneaked in without arrest. Despite this, Biden has stated that he has "done all I can do" and has asked for more power to control the border.

However, critics argue that Biden's new order will only facilitate the entry of more illegal aliens into the country by routing them to ports of entry. They claim that this is yet another expansion of illegal immigration under Biden, who has already offered mass amnesty to hundreds of thousands of inadmissible aliens. As such, many believe that the only way to effectively address the border crisis is to re-elect President Trump in November.

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