Trump campaign slams Biden Admin for "largest downward revision" to jobs numbers in 15 years

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Quick Hit:

The Trump campaign slammed the Biden administration's "record job growth" claims Wednesday after the Labor Department revealed the largest downward revision to the jobs numbers in 15 years, with 818,000 fewer jobs than initially reported. The campaign stated on X, "This is your 'record job growth' that Kamala and Biden love to talk about," with senior advisor Jason Miller calling the revisions "one big continued, intentional cooking of the books."

Key Details:

  • On Wednesday, the U.S. Labor Department's latest revision revealed the largest downward drop to jobs numbers in 15 years, with 818,000 fewer jobs than initially reported, signaling a far weaker labor market than initially believed.

  • Trump’s campaign took to X on Wednesday to highlight the sectors most affected by the revision, including a loss of 115,000 jobs in manufacturing and 358,000 in professional and business services.

  • Jason Miller, a senior advisor to the Trump campaign, tweeted on X: "🚨It’s not a ‘revision,’ it’s a ‘lie’—one big continued, intentional cooking of the books to benefit Kamala Harris and Crooked Joe before her.🚨"

Diving Deeper:

The U.S. Labor Department announced on Wednesday the largest downward revision to the jobs numbers in 15 years, revealing that the economy added 818,000 fewer jobs than initially reported. The revisions, which came out Wednesday, showed that the labor market has been far weaker than previously believed, adding an average of 174,000 jobs per month instead of the initially reported 242,000—a 28% reduction. The Trump campaign reacted swiftly, using the news to criticize Biden's economic record, pointing out that 1.2 million native-born Americans lost employment while 1.3 million foreign-born workers found jobs during the same period. Jason Miller, a senior advisor to the Trump campaign, further escalated the critique by tweeting, "🚨It’s not a ‘revision,’ it’s a ‘lie’—one big continued, intentional cooking of the books to benefit Kamala Harris and Crooked Joe before her.🚨"

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