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Pennsylvania voters receive anonymous, threatening letters warning against Trump support

Fri Oct 18 2024
MXM Exclusive

Quick Hit:

Trump supporters in Pennsylvania have received anonymous letters containing violent threats. The letters warn voters to reconsider their support for Trump, claiming they "know where you live" and threatening potential harm.

Key Details: 

  • Trump supporters in Pennsylvania have reported receiving anonymous letters with violent threats, some mailed through the USPS and others left in mailboxes.  
  • Letters accuse Trump supporters of supporting hatred, lawlessness, and division, and threaten that "your family may be impacted, your cat may get shot."  
  • Recipients have filed police reports, though local authorities face challenges due to a lack of evidence, such as video footage.

Diving Deeper:

Trump supporters in Philadelphia are facing alarming intimidation tactics as they receive anonymous, threatening letters warning them against voting for Donald Trump in the 2024 election. The letters, which have been reported by multiple individuals, carry menacing language and have been mailed through the U.S. Postal Service, some even using a facsimile of Trump campaign letterhead.

The letters begin innocuously, thanking recipients for their participation in the election process but quickly pivot to issuing threats. One chilling passage reads, "We know where you live, you are in the database. Your family may be impacted, your cat may get shot." The letter further warns that their public support for Trump comes with "a price," threatening unspecified future consequences.

One of the recipients, Janet from Penn Valley, Pennsylvania, who has Trump signs in her yard, told The Post Millennial that she filed a police report after receiving the letter. She noted that other Trump supporters in her area have reported receiving similar letters, both by mail and left directly in their mailboxes. The Lower Merion Police Department confirmed they are aware of the situation but said that without surveillance footage, there is little they can do at this point.

The letter accuses Trump supporters of promoting hatred and divisiveness, referencing events like the January 6 Capitol riot and the 2017 Charlottesville rally. It also claims that a vote for Trump signifies opposition to minorities, immigrants, women, and even education. The letter’s language escalates further, stating, "Your vote for this guy is seen as treading on my rights. You tread on me at your peril, motherf*cker."

The threatening messages come as Pennsylvania remains a critical battleground state in the upcoming presidential election. The state’s electoral votes are pivotal, and these letters appear to be part of an effort to intimidate and dissuade Trump supporters from voting.

Police are continuing to investigate the origin of the letters, but with the anonymity of mail, tracking down the source may prove difficult. For now, recipients like Janet remain on alert, concerned for their safety as the 2024 election approaches.

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