AOC counter-Trump rally draws “barely any supporters” in her own district
MXM Exclusive

Quick Hit

Despite organized efforts by Democrats to counter Donald Trump's Bronx rally, the event led by prominent liberals, including AOC, attracted minimal attendance, highlighting potential challenges for the Democrats in this deeply blue district.

Key Details

  • Underwhelming Turnout: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other Democratic leaders' counter-rally in Crotona Park drew a surprisingly low number of participants, contrasting sharply with Trump's nearby gathering.
  • Democratic Intentions: Assemblywoman Amanda Septimo and civil rights activist Kirsten John Foy organized the event to oppose Trump's policies, especially on immigration, claiming his stance does not reflect the values of the Bronx.
  • Weather and Timing: Compounding the challenges, inclement weather potentially deterred would-be attendees. The counter-rally coincided with Trump's event, aiming to draw media attention and public interest away from him.

Diving Deeper

A counter-rally organized against Donald Trump's campaign event in the Bronx, led by notable Democrats including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, saw a dismal turnout. This development occurred in a district that has historically leaned heavily Democratic, suggesting a potential disconnect or dissatisfaction among local voters.

Organizers, including Democratic Assemblywoman Amanda Septimo and civil rights activist Kirsten John Foy, vocalized their opposition to Trump's immigration policies, branding him as the "antithesis of what the Bronx stands for." Their event aimed to counteract Trump’s influence, particularly his attempts to make inroads among minority voters, amidst ongoing national discussions about immigration and civil rights.

Trump, on the other hand, has consistently argued that his policies are aimed at illegal immigration rather than opposing immigrants per se. His campaign managed to secure a permit for up to 3,500 attendees at his rally in the same area, a stark contrast to the sparse crowd at the counter-demonstration. Last week, Trump boasted a turnout of 100,000 at a New Jersey rally, underscoring his significant pull among supporters.

The Bronx event reflects broader national trends, where recent polls indicate that Trump is gaining traction among key voter blocks traditionally aligned with Democrats, while President Biden struggles to maintain support. This shift comes despite Biden's administration claiming significant job creation under his policies.

The counter-rally's poor attendance may be a wake-up call for local Democrats who are facing the challenge of maintaining enthusiasm and support in traditionally secure districts. With both rallies threatened by poor weather, the significant difference in crowd sizes could also hint at waning momentum for anti-Trump sentiments within some segments of the Bronx community, possibly influenced by economic concerns such as inflation.


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