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“Squad” member Cori Bush down 23 points in new poll

Tue Jul 16 2024
MXM Exclusive

Quick Hit:

According to the Washington Free Beacon, Rep. Cori Bush, a member of the progressive "Squad," trails her primary opponent by 23 points in a new poll. 

Key Details:

  • The poll was conducted by Remington Research Group.
  • Bush has a 28% favorability rating among likely Democratic voters.
  • Wesley Bell, Bush's primary challenger, leads with 51% support.

Diving Deeper:

Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO), a prominent member of the progressive "Squad," faces a significant challenge in her bid for re-election. A recent poll by Remington Research Group shows Bush trailing her primary opponent, Wesley Bell, by a substantial margin. Bush, known for her outspoken anti-Israel stance and progressive policies, has garnered only 28% favorability among likely Democratic voters. In contrast, Bell, who serves as St. Louis County Prosecutor, leads with 51% support.

This dramatic shift comes as Bush's policies and statements continue to polarize voters. Her position within the "Squad" has often placed her at odds with more moderate and conservative Democrats, potentially contributing to her declining support.

Bell's campaign has focused on addressing local issues and presenting a more centrist platform, resonating with voters who are increasingly disillusioned with Bush's progressive agenda. As the primary race heats up, Bush's campaign will need to address these concerns and work to regain voter confidence to close the significant gap.

The primary election is set for August, leaving Bush limited time to turn the tide in her favor. This poll serves as a stark reminder of the challenges faced by progressive candidates within the Democratic Party, highlighting the ongoing struggle between different factions as the party navigates its future direction.

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