article urlNew York appellate court refuses to lift Trump gag order despite trial’s conclusion
Wed Jun 19 2024
MXM Exclusive

Quick Hit:

The New York Court of Appeals has denied former President Trump's request to lift the gag order imposed during his trial, even after its conclusion.

Key Details:

  • Appeal Rejected: On Tuesday, the New York Court of Appeals dismissed Trump's appeal to lift the gag order, stating it involves no substantial constitutional questions.
  • Campaign Constraints: Trump's campaign argues the gag order unfairly silences him during a critical phase of his 2024 presidential campaign against Joe Biden.
  • Legal Battles: Despite the trial's end, the court maintains restrictions, citing ongoing concerns which are contested by Trump’s legal team.

Diving Deeper:

The New York Court of Appeals has upheld the gag order against former President Donald Trump, refusing to lift restrictions on his communication about the case and involved parties. This order was originally set by Judge Juan Merchan and remains in effect despite Trump's legal team arguing that it infringes on First Amendment rights amidst the presidential race.

The gag order, which restricts Trump from making public comments about witnesses, the case, and associated legal counsel, has been a point of contention. Trump’s team highlighted the impending presidential debates and ongoing campaign activities as vital reasons for lifting the order. They claim the restrictions not only silence Trump but also prevent voters from fully hearing his political messages.

Steven Cheung, a spokesperson for Trump's campaign, criticized the decision, labeling it as an election-interfering move that uniquely targets Trump while leaving his adversaries, including Joe Biden, free to speak. 

Todd Blanche, Trump's attorney, reiterated the argument that the bases for the gag order are now moot with the trial’s conclusion. According to Fox News, He expressed concerns about biased public commentary from figures like Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels, which he argues necessitates Trump's unrestricted right to counter-speak.



"Donald Trump" by Gage Skidmore licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED.

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