Biden briefly dons "Trump 2024" hat in now-viral image: "Thanks for the support, Joe!"

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Quick Hit:

President Joe Biden briefly donned a "Trump 2024" hat during a visit to a fire station in Shanksville, Pennsylvania on Wednesday, as part of a commemorative event for the 23rd anniversary of the September 11th attacks. Subsequent video and images of the moment quickly went viral with the Trump campaign responding on X (formerly Twitter) saying: "Thanks for the support, Joe!"

Key Details:

  • During a visit to the Shanksville Fire Station, Biden spoke about the need for "bipartisan unity" in the wake of the September 11th attacks, according to a statement from the White House.

  • A Trump supporter at the event suggested Biden wear a "Trump 2024" hat as a symbolic gesture of that unity with the president obliging briefly.

  • The moment during a closed-door meeting with local residents, was captured in video that quickly went viral, prompting mockery and criticism from Trump supporters with even Trump campaign Senior Advisor Chris LaCivita asking on X: "What's happening?"

Diving Deeper:

Attempting to explain away the now-viral images, White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates explained that Biden wanted to emphasize the importance of "bipartisan unity," reminiscent of the solidarity seen following 9/11. In an exchange with a Trump supporter, Biden gifted the individual a hat and, in return, briefly donned the Trump-branded cap.

Photos of Biden in the hat were quickly shared on social media with Trump’s campaign team responding with sarcastic remarks, including a post by senior adviser Chris LaCivita, who asked, “What’s happening?” The Trump campaign's rapid response team also weighed in, suggesting that Biden's action was a result of Vice President Harris's debate performance Tuesday.

Biden, who ended his reelection bid earlier this year, was attending the 9/11 memorial event to honor the lives lost in the crash of Flight 93 in Shanksville, with both Trump and Harris also attending separate memorials to commemorate the day.

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