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More than half of Democrats want Biden to drop out of presidential race

Thu Jul 11 2024
MXM Exclusive

Quick Hit:

A recent poll reveals that over half of Democrats believe President Joe Biden should not seek re-election in 2024.

Key Details:

  • A Washington Post-ABC News poll shows 58% of Democrats prefer a different candidate for the 2024 presidential race.
  • Concerns about Biden’s age and performance are primary reasons for the sentiment.
  • Only 28% of Americans approve of Biden's handling of the economy.

Diving Deeper:

A new poll conducted by The Washington Post and ABC News indicates that a significant majority of Democrats want President Joe Biden to step aside for the 2024 presidential election. According to the survey, 58% of Democratic voters believe the party should nominate someone other than Biden.

The poll highlights growing concerns among Democrats about Biden's age and his effectiveness in office. With Biden turning 82 shortly after the next election, many within his party worry about his ability to lead the nation effectively for another term. These concerns are exacerbated by his low approval ratings on key issues, particularly the economy.

Only 28% of Americans approve of Biden's economic performance, a critical factor that might influence voter sentiment as inflation and economic instability continue to affect everyday life. Additionally, the poll shows a broader dissatisfaction with Biden's presidency, with only 33% of Americans approving of his overall job performance.

This internal dissent within the Democratic Party comes at a critical juncture as the 2024 election cycle heats up. Many Democrats fear that Biden's candidacy might weaken their chances against a strong Republican contender. These concerns are bolstered by Biden’s struggle to maintain a positive image in the face of various domestic and international challenges.

Despite this, the Biden administration remains focused on its legislative agenda, pushing forward with policies aimed at economic recovery, healthcare, and climate change. The White House has not indicated any change in Biden’s re-election plans, continuing to position him as the Democratic standard-bearer for the next presidential race.


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