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Louisiana state government will start accepting cryptocurrency payments

Fri Sep 20 2024
MXM Exclusive

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Louisiana will now accept cryptocurrency payments, including Bitcoin and USDC, for state services, embracing the growing adoption of digital currencies.

Key Details:

  • Louisiana state government has introduced cryptocurrency payments for state services, beginning with the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.  
  • Payments are converted into dollars instantly to protect the state from crypto volatility, using a service provided by Bead Pay.  
  • Louisiana Treasurer John Fleming emphasized the move as an effort to modernize and offer more flexibility for residents.

Diving Deeper:

The Louisiana state government announced that it will begin accepting cryptocurrency payments for various state services, a significant step in the growing adoption of digital currencies. State Treasurer John Fleming revealed that the initiative is designed to modernize government transactions and offer residents a more flexible way to pay for services.

Residents can now use cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and USDC, a stablecoin tied to the value of the U.S. dollar, to settle payments for state services. This new option was rolled out this week, with the first transaction completed by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.

To address concerns about cryptocurrency’s notorious volatility, the state has partnered with Bead Pay, a payment service that immediately converts digital currency into U.S. dollars. Bead Pay's CEO, Jay Sykes, described the service as a tool that reduces risks like price fluctuations and fraud, ensuring cryptocurrency remains a reliable payment option for the state.

Louisiana’s decision comes amid broader institutional acceptance of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Asset managers such as VanEck and BlackRock have received approval for Bitcoin exchange-traded funds, reflecting the growing confidence in digital assets. The value of Bitcoin has surged by approximately 130% over the past year, peaking at an all-time high of over $73,000 in March 2024.

This development also coincides with increased political attention on cryptocurrency. Former President Donald Trump, a vocal advocate for the industry, recently reaffirmed his support at the annual Bitcoin Conference. He emphasized the importance of Bitcoin, calling it a symbol of “freedom, sovereignty, and independence from government.”

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