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EXCLUSIVE REACTION: Letter with white powder triggers hazmat response to home of Donald Trump Jr.

Tue Feb 27 2024
MXM Exclusive

Quick Hit:

Donald Trump Jr. faced a potential threat at his Florida home Monday evening when a suspicious letter containing white powder triggered an emergency hazmat response. The substance was found to be non-lethal, but the incident has sparked concerns about the safety of the Trump family.

Key Details:

  • Donald Trump Jr. received a letter containing an unidentified white powder for the second time Monday, with multiple fire trucks and men in hazmat suits spotted outside the residence.
  • The substance was tested and found to be non-lethal, but the incident has raised concerns about the safety of the Trump family.
  • In an exclusive reaction, Trump Jr. told MxM News, "If this happened twice to a prominent Democrat, there would be hearings in Congress, but since my last name is Trump, the media will move on in a day."

Diving Deeper:

The Jupiter Police Department has yet to respond to requests for comment on the incident, but in an exclusive reaction to the incident, Trump Jr. expressed his frustration and concern, telling MxM News, "This is now the second time a demented leftist has mailed me a death threat with white powder. If this happened twice to a prominent Democrat, there would be hearings in Congress, but since my last name is Trump, the media will move on in a day. The hatred the left has for my family knows no bounds.”

Donald Trump Jr.” by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED.

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