EveryLife and Hobby Lobby unite to celebrate new parenthood with special gift boxes

MXM Exclusive

Quick Hit:

EveryLife, a leading diaper brand, partners with Hobby Lobby to provide New Baby Gift Boxes to employees welcoming new children. This collaboration underscores both companies' commitment to family values and support for new parents.

Key Details:

  • Innovative Partnership: EveryLife and Hobby Lobby join forces to offer New Baby Gift Boxes, filled with essential items for new parents among Hobby Lobby’s 57,000 employees.

  • Supportive Mission: The initiative aims to celebrate new life and support families, aligning with both companies' family-first philosophies.

  • Leaders' Insight: Sarah Gabel Seifert of EveryLife and David Green of Hobby Lobby express their companies' dedication to nurturing family life and celebrating parenthood's joyous moments.

Diving Deeper:

In a move that exemplifies corporate America's growing dedication to family values and employee well-being, EveryLife, America's rapidly expanding diaper company, has teamed up with Hobby Lobby, the renowned arts and crafts store, to provide New Baby Gift Boxes to employees welcoming a new child. This initiative not only highlights the companies' shared commitment to fostering a family-friendly workplace but also emphasizes their support for the fundamental joys and challenges of parenthood.

Sarah Gabel Seifert, co-founder and president of EveryLife, expressed the significance of this partnership, stating, "At EveryLife, we're driven by the belief that every child is a precious gift. Partnering with Hobby Lobby is a cornerstone moment for our company as it embodies our mission to support and cherish the miracle of new life.” This sentiment is echoed by David Green, the founder and CEO of Hobby Lobby, who emphasized the company's long-standing tradition of building a family-oriented workplace. “It's our way of celebrating the most joyous moments in our employees' lives and supporting them through the journey of parenthood,” he noted.

The New Baby Gift Boxes initiative is set against the backdrop of a broader societal push towards acknowledging and addressing the needs of new parents in the workplace. By providing practical support through these gift boxes, EveryLife and Hobby Lobby are setting a precedent for how companies can actively contribute to the well-being of their employees and their families.

Moreover, this partnership reflects a business model where corporate success is intertwined with social values. Both EveryLife and Hobby Lobby have made it clear that their operations go beyond profit, aiming to instill a sense of community, support, and shared joy in the pivotal moments of life.

As America's workforce increasingly values work-life balance and family-friendly policies, initiatives like the New Baby Gift Boxes not only enhance employee satisfaction and loyalty but also serve as a testament to the power of corporate responsibility. In doing so, EveryLife and Hobby Lobby are not just celebrating new life but are also nurturing the very fabric of society by supporting families at every stage of their journey.

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