Nevada officials notified after voters found to be registered at strip clubs, casinos, airport

MXM Exclusive

Quick Hit:

Nevada officials have been notified by the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) to remove residents registered to vote at non-residential addresses such as strip clubs, casinos, and airports. The PILF has identified numerous addresses listed as residential that appear to be commercial buildings where no one resides.

Key Details: 

  • PILF lawyers have sent a letter to Clark County Registrar Lorena Portillo, urging her to remove registrants who list commercial real estate as their primary address on their voter registration.
  • Among the seemingly faulty voter registrations listed by PILF lawyers are those where registrants listed Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club, a 7-Eleven, a Nevada-based gas station, Chavelo’s Mexican Bar and Grill, Harry Reid International Airport, and a Mini Mart and Smoke Shop, among others, as their primary addresses.
  • PILF lawyers have filed suit in Washoe County, Nevada, demanding election officials there clean up voter rolls to ensure that registrants with commercial real estate listed as their primary address are corrected or purged.

Diving Deeper: 

The PILF has taken a firm stance against the registration of voters at commercial addresses, arguing that it undermines the integrity of the electoral process. Accurate addresses on voter registrations are especially critical in Clark County because election officials mail out ballots to every registered voter to the address listed on their registration — regardless of whether they have requested a ballot or not.

Last month, PILF lawyers filed suit in Washoe County, Nevada, demanding election officials there clean up voter rolls to ensure that registrants with commercial real estate listed as their primary address are corrected or purged. PILF President J. Christian Adams stated, “For years Nevada election officials have ignored hard evidence of commercial addresses on the voter roll. We are asking the court to force Nevada election officials to investigate and resolve any improper commercial addresses on the voter roll. Nevada must have accurate voter rolls. Otherwise, some of these liquor stores and tattoo parlors will receive ballots in the mail.”

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