Giving away the plot: Biden campaign holds media stunt outside Trump trial

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Quick Hit:

The Biden campaign rolled out "masked" and "delusional" actor Robert De Niro for a staged media stunt outside former President Donald Trump's New York City criminal trial Tuesday. De Niro—drowned out by a car alarm and protestors—took the opportunity to call Trump a "tyrant" and his supporters "clowns."

Key Details:

  • Biden's team, which had largely ignored the trial, sent actor Robert De Niro to the event, where he seemingly became agitated by protestors chanting "F*** Joe Biden!"
  • The campaign's communication director, Michael Tyler, stated that their presence was not about the trial, though Trump senior advisor Jason Miller commented on the stunt saying, "Joe’s crookeds aren’t in PA, MI, WI, NV, AZ or GA - they’re outside the Biden Trial against President Trump. It’s always been about politics."
  • Donald Trump Jr. also chimed in, adding, "In case you needed more evidence that all of these BS cases were quarterbacked by Team Biden to interfere in the 2024 election, the Biden campaign is now showing up in NYC to explicitly cheerlead the political persecution of my father."

Diving Deeper:

Actor Robert De Niro was sent to represent the campaign, but his comments were largely drowned up by a car alarm and protestors chanting "F*** Joe Biden!"

Trump adviser Jason Miller claimed that the event proved Trump's argument that his prosecution was politically motivated with Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton echoing this sentiment. Cotton tweeted that the event demonstrated Biden's political corruption and his attempt to compensate for being a weak, dishonest, and failed president.


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