Gold Star families condemn Harris over politicizing Trump's Arlington visit, "vile and disgusting"

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Quick Hit:

Gold Star families who lost loved ones during the Afghanistan withdrawal condemned Vice President Kamala Harris Saturday for accusing former President Trump of "playing politics" with his visit to Arlington National Cemetery. In a series of videos, the families said that Trump's visit was to honor their fallen heroes, not for political gain.

Key Details:

  • Gold Star father Mark Schmitz called Kamala Harris' remarks "heinous, vile and disgusting," stating that Trump’s visit was about leadership, not politics.

  • Darren Hoover, father of Marine Staff Sgt. Taylor Hoover, criticized Harris for lacking "empathy and basic understanding," stressing that "we are the ones that asked for the video and the pictures to be taken."

  • Jaclyn Schmitz, mother of Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz, accused Harris of using a "political spin" to boost her presidential campaign against Trump, and added that Harris should step down if she cannot honor military families.

Diving Deeper: 

Gold Star families who lost their loved ones during the botched U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 have publicly condemned Vice President Kamala Harris for her recent comments about former President Donald Trump’s visit to Arlington National Cemetery. The families accused Harris of politicizing a solemn event meant to honor their fallen heroes. Harris' comments have also drawn attention to her role as Vice President during the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, which claimed the lives of 13 U.S. service members.

The controversy began after Harris criticized Trump for taking photos and filming at Arlington National Cemetery during a wreath-laying ceremony last week. In a statement on Saturday, Harris accused Trump of “disrespecting sacred ground” and engaging in a “political stunt.”

Gold Star families, however, were quick to push back against Harris’ claims. In a series of videos posted by the former president, the families said that they had personally invited Trump to Arlington to pay tribute to their loved ones who were killed by ISIS-K terrorists during the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan on August 26th, 2021.

Mark Schmitz, the father of Marine Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz, was one of the many who took offense at Harris’ remarks. In his video, Schmitz described Harris’ statement as “heinous, vile and disgusting,” and emphasized that Trump’s visit was not politically motivated. “Why did we want Trump there? It wasn’t to help his political campaign,” Schmitz said. “We wanted a leader. That explains why you and Joe didn’t get a call.”

Jaclyn Schmitz, mother of Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz, also criticized Harris, stating that her comments were nothing more than a “political spin to help you look better in your presidential campaign against Donald Trump.” She expressed deep frustration with Harris and the Biden administration, adding, “You have never walked a single day in our shoes. Our kids were murdered because of your administration.”

Jaclyn Schmitz further called out Harris for failing to honor military families and suggested that Harris is unfit to run for president. “But there is one thing that you said in your statement that is true. No one should be running for president if they cannot honor military members, their families, as well as veterans, so I guess that means you should step down Kamala,” she said.

Darren Hoover, the father of Marine Staff Sgt. Taylor Hoover, similarly criticized Harris for her comments, saying that she lacks “empathy and basic understanding” of the event. Hoover added that it was the families who requested Trump’s presence and the accompanying photographs.

“In keeping with the reverence and respect that is given to all members of our military that are buried there, we invited President Trump,” Hoover said. “We are the ones that asked for the video and the pictures to be taken at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier.” Hoover further criticized Harris for “playing politics” with the incident and questioned her commitment to the military and the country.

“You should be ashamed and embarrassed about your lack of empathy and decency as a human being,” Hoover added. “You are only in this for the power and prestige. You don’t care for our military or the citizens of this country.”

Harris has not made any public effort to contact the families of the 13 U.S. service members who died in the chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal under the Biden-Harris administration’s watch. The families have expressed continued frustration with the administration’s handling of the situation and its aftermath.

Trump’s visit to Arlington National Cemetery was intended to show support for the Gold Star families and to honor the memory of the service members who paid the ultimate price. Harris’ attempt to frame the visit as a political maneuver has only deepened the divide between the administration and the families still grieving their loss.

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