Biden exec. order on "third-party voter registration" will “weaponize” government for Dems, Rep. alleges

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Quick Hit:

House Administration Committee Chairman Rep. Bryan Steil has alleged that President Joe Biden's 2021 executive order on "third-party voter registration" will direct federal agencies to collaborate with left-wing groups to boost voter turnout, thereby weaponizing the government for his reelection efforts.

Key Details:

  • Issued in March 2021, it instructs federal agencies to assist in voter registration in partnership with "approved, nonpartisan third-party organizations."
  • Groups involved include Vot-ER, funded by Democratic dark money, and others backed by notable left-wing donors and activists.
  • Critics, including legal experts, question the nonpartisanship of these efforts, suggesting potential violations of federal rules.

Diving Deeper:

During a heated House Administration Committee hearing, Chairman Bryan Steil (R-WI) criticized President Biden’s executive order for allegedly using federal resources to favor his reelection. "What they have done is weaponize all federal agencies on behalf of President Biden’s reelection campaign,” Steil declared, highlighting a conflict between governmental duty and political maneuvering.

The executive order, detailed to foster voter registration and turnout through partnerships with various organizations, has stirred controversy. Documentation and reports suggest involvement from groups like Vot-ER, the Open Society Policy Center, End Citizens United, and the Brennan Center for Justice, all of which lean significantly left politically. These affiliations have led to accusations from GOP members that the order could improperly channel federal efforts towards Democratic gains.

Further controversy stems from a Washington Examiner investigation, revealing connections between these groups and funding sources traditionally supporting Democratic causes, including dark money contributions. Legal experts have raised flags over whether these activities comply with federal nonpartisanship guidelines, especially when public resources are implicated.

Rep. Joseph Morelle (D-NY), however, countered these claims in the hearing, arguing that the concerns over noncitizen voting and undue influence are exaggerated and unsupported by evidence. Democrats maintain that increasing voter participation is a common goal that should transcend partisan lines, without stressing so much, the need for voters to be U.S. citizens.


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