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U.S.-backed NGO targets Americans in "enemy" list

Sat Jun 08 2024
MXM Exclusive

Quick Hit: A media NGO,, has compiled a list of supposed enemies of Ukraine in the U.S., raising concerns about U.S. taxpayer dollars being used to target American citizens and organizations.

Key Details:

  • On June 6, published an article listing American opponents of Ukraine aid, accusing them of repeating “Kremlin propaganda” and blaming them for recent Ukrainian battlefield setbacks.

  •, founded by Anatoly Bondarenko, is linked to the U.S. State Department's "TechCamp" program, which trains foreign journalists, NGOs, and activists in media skills.

  • Prominent figures like Donald Trump, J.D. Vance, and Charlie Kirk are named on the enemy list, along with organizations such as The American Conservative and its writers.

Diving Deeper:

A recent revelation has raised serious concerns about how U.S. taxpayer dollars are being used in foreign operations that could potentially target American citizens. On June 6, the Ukrainian media NGO published an article listing American opponents of Ukraine aid, accusing them of repeating “Kremlin propaganda” and blaming them for recent Ukrainian battlefield setbacks. This disturbing development brings to light the intricate connections between this NGO and the U.S. State Department. was founded by Anatoly Bondarenko, who received training through the State Department’s "TechCamp" program. This program, aimed at empowering foreign journalists, NGOs, and activists with essential media skills, publicly lists Bondarenko as a recipient of its training. According to the TechCamp website, Bondarenko participated in the TechForum Ukraine training, which involved over 60 local journalists, civil society leaders, and private sector partners.

The list produced by includes a wide range of American individuals and organizations. Notably, prominent conservative figures such as former President Donald Trump, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance, and Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk are among those named. Additionally, The American Conservative (TAC) and many of its writers, including Political Editor Bradley Devlin, Senior Editor Sumantra Maitra, and Contributing Editors Micah Meadowcroft, Sohrab Ahmari, James Carden, Doug Bandow, and Douglas MacGregor, are also listed.

The inclusion of these names has raised significant concerns about the use of U.S. taxpayer dollars funneled through government programs to potentially target and label American citizens as adversaries in a foreign conflict. This list features a mix of pro-restraint conservatives and liberals, with organizations such as Codepink and Rage Against the War Machine appearing alongside the Cato Institute, the Heritage Foundation, and Turning Point USA. Other notable names on the list include Daily Wire hosts Ben Shapiro and Michael Knowles, linguist Noam Chomsky, economist Jeffrey D. Sachs, Dr. Ron Paul, and RFK Jr.

Critics argue that the U.S. government's involvement in such activities is not only inappropriate but also dangerous. The notion that American taxpayer money is being utilized to train foreign entities that then compile lists targeting U.S. citizens is alarming. This is especially concerning given the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia, a conflict that many U.S. policymakers have voiced objections to, particularly regarding the extent of American involvement and aid.

Moreover, the publication of this list by underscores a broader issue within the American political landscape. It highlights the increasing divide and the complex web of domestic and international interests influencing U.S. policy decisions. The identification of American citizens and organizations as adversaries by a foreign NGO, supported by U.S. government training programs, points to a troubling intersection of international politics and domestic affairs.

While the list includes many anti-war leftists, it conspicuously excludes any Democratic lawmakers. Although the article criticizes members of the “Squad” for attending Codepink events and advocating a negotiated end to the conflict, it also praises them for voting for Ukraine aid. This selective inclusion further emphasizes the biased nature of the list.

Anatol Lieven, Director of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft (QI), which also appears on the list, commented on the situation in The American Conservative: “It is completely inappropriate that a foreign institution that receives training funded by U.S. taxpayers’ money should use that money to try to limit public debate in the U.S. on a matter of vital U.S. interest.” Lieven added that he is delighted to be in the same club as TAC.

In conclusion, the involvement of U.S. taxpayer dollars in training foreign journalists who then target American citizens as enemies is a deeply concerning issue that warrants immediate attention and action from policymakers. The potential misuse of funds for such purposes calls for a thorough investigation and a reevaluation of how U.S. support is administered and monitored in foreign conflicts.

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