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The left’s opposition to Georgia’s election integrity rules defies common sense

Thu Sep 05 2024
MXM Exclusive

Quick Hit:

Chad Ennis argues that the Left’s efforts to block Georgia’s new election integrity measure are out of touch with common sense. The policy mandates officials reconcile voter numbers with ballots cast, but the Left’s legal opposition shows their commitment to preserving questionable practices.

Key Details:

  • Georgia's State Elections Board introduced a rule requiring officials to verify that votes cast match the number of voters.

  • Ennis criticizes the Left for filing lawsuits to block this measure, calling it a basic principle of election integrity.

  • Discrepancies between votes and ballots have undermined election confidence, with bipartisan distrust reflected in polls.

Diving Deeper:

In an op-ed for The Daily Caller, Chad Ennis, Vice President of the Honest Elections Project, highlights the Left’s persistent efforts to oppose even the most straightforward election integrity measures. Ennis points to Georgia's new rule requiring local election officials to reconcile the number of voters with the number of ballots before certifying results, a policy that has faced fierce legal challenges.

Ennis outlines the basic premise of the rule, explaining that officials must ensure "the number of unique voters who participated" matches "the number of ballots cast from each precinct." He remarks, "It is amazing that this needs to be mandated," since basic reconciliation should be standard in any election process.

As a former election official himself, Ennis stresses that ensuring these numbers align is one of the first tasks taught to election workers. He calls it common sense, yet the Left continues to challenge this reform in court. "This is the option that the Left has sued to maintain," Ennis asserts, criticizing their legal efforts to keep questionable practices in place.

In a political climate where faith in elections is already severely eroded, Ennis contends that the Georgia rule is designed to rebuild trust through transparency and accountability. He cites a Rasmussen poll showing that a notable percentage of Democrats, Republicans, and unaffiliated voters believed the 2020 election was potentially compromised. Ennis argues that measures like Georgia’s are critical to restoring that trust.

Despite the rule’s practicality, prominent left-wing lawyers like Marc Elias and Seth Waxman have mounted legal opposition to stop the reform. Ennis warns that the Left’s continued resistance to election integrity reforms is only fueling more bipartisan concerns about the electoral process.

Chad Ennis’s argument makes it clear that Georgia’s efforts are not only reasonable but essential for maintaining a fair and transparent election process. However, with just weeks before the next election, the Left’s legal maneuvers show no signs of slowing down.

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