George Clooney: Biden stepping aside the “most selfless thing” since George Washington

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Quick Hit:

Actor George Clooney praised President Joe Biden's decision to exit the 2024 presidential race, likening it to the selflessness of George Washington. Clooney previously urged Biden to step down, citing concerns over his ability to defeat Donald Trump.

Key Details:

  • Clooney referred to Biden's decision as the "most selfless thing that anyone’s done since George Washington."
  • In July, Clooney penned a New York Times essay urging Biden to step aside due to declining health.
  • David Axelrod described Clooney's assessment as "devastating" for Biden's re-election bid.

Diving Deeper:

Actor George Clooney has praised President Joe Biden's decision to bow out of the 2024 presidential race, calling it the "most selfless thing that anyone’s done since George Washington." Speaking at the Venice Film Festival, Clooney lauded Biden for recognizing that stepping aside was in the best interest of the country, despite the challenges of relinquishing power.

Clooney's remarks come after he publicly urged Biden to step down in a July guest essay for the New York Times. In the piece titled "I Love Joe Biden. But We Need a New Nominee," Clooney acknowledged Biden's achievements but expressed concern over his ability to effectively lead the Democratic Party against former President Donald Trump in the upcoming election. Clooney cited Biden's declining health and a lackluster debate performance as critical factors for his call to action.

"What should be remembered is the selfless act of someone who — you know, it’s very hard to let go of power. We know that. We’ve seen it all around the world," Clooney told reporters, according to The Washington Post. "And for someone to say, ‘I think there’s a better way forward.’ All the credit goes to him … And all the rest of it will be long gone and forgotten."

Clooney's appeal was reportedly influential in Biden's decision to withdraw from the race, which followed increasing pressure from within his party after a series of disappointing public appearances. Former Obama advisor David Axelrod labeled Clooney's assessment as "devastating," acknowledging the weight it carried in the political sphere.

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