Hollywood elites launch "cringe" PAC to help Biden fight cringe

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Quick Hit: 

Joe Biden’s campaign is losing its grip on the youth vote, which he dominated in 2020. In response, allies have formed a super PAC, Won’t PAC Down, aimed at recapturing this crucial demographic by leveraging Hollywood talent to create targeted content that attempts to steer away from cringeworthy tactics and craft a more authentic appeal.

Key Details: 

  • Won’t PAC Down, a new super PAC, aims to spend $20 million to $25 million to regain Biden's support among young voters.
  • The PAC has enlisted millennial and Gen Z writers, directors, and producers from popular shows to craft pro-Biden content.
  • Ads will be specifically designed for platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube to reach young, nonpolitical voters.

Diving Deeper: 

As President Joe Biden faces a significant decline in support among young voters, his allies are launching a super PAC named Won’t PAC Down to address this critical issue. First reported by POLITICO, the group plans to raise and spend between $20 million and $25 million, focusing on crafting pro-Biden content that resonates with voters under 30.

The PAC has turned to Hollywood for help, recruiting millennial and Gen Z writers, directors, and producers with backgrounds in popular shows like "Saturday Night Live" and "Parks and Recreation." These creatives have been working on ad campaigns designed to appeal to young voters who have become increasingly disillusioned with Biden over issues such as the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, environmental concerns, student loan debt, and inflation.

Won’t PAC Down’s strategy involves avoiding supposedly cringey, traditional celebrity endorsements and instead creating relatable and engaging content tailored for social media platforms like Instagram Reels, TikTok, and YouTube, but has already been hit as "cringe" by commentators. The PAC’s efforts underscore the importance of the youth vote in the upcoming election, as young voters played a pivotal role in Biden’s 2020 victory, backing him by a 25-point margin.

However, Biden’s first term has seen some of the lowest approval ratings among voters under 30 for a Democratic president, with the administration’s struggles with high living costs and housing issues contributing to this dissatisfaction.

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